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Sept. 21, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – September 21, 2015  -- 6 PM

The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss and T.A. Nina Nazarian.

6:00 PM – Council On Aging representatives were in: Sue Shanahan & board members Terry Thompson, Bev Kohlstrom and Jane Fife. Sue reported that the COA is working to get more senior residents involved in community activities. They are working with the Arts Council and communicate with Wachusett House—management and residents—to market programs, along with Parks & Rec. Also, the Fire Department provides programs such as “Safe Seniors” and the meal program on Tuesdays can expand with other activities to draw more people in. The COA is enlisting other organizations and volunteer resources such as Student Council and a ‘moms club.’ The Elderbus is available for $1.25 each way in-town (with COA covering the cost) and $2.50 each way out-of-town, with weekly scheduled trips to supermarkets and stores.
         The COA board is supposed to have seven members and there are currently only four. The group discussed the practicality of seven vs. five, as state statute allows communities to set their own number. The BOS then voted all in favor to set the number of members on the COA at five.
        Stan asked about a database that was proposed at one time to identify vulnerable senior citizens at times of local emergencies. It was never followed up. The concept would be to have Fire Dept. staff make phone calls as wellness checks.
6:20 PM  Princeton Center Cmte. representatives Sue Shanahan & board member Terry Thompson explained that the building’s studio spaces were fully leased out except for the basement studio which was exempted as it lacks certain features. There had been flooding that destroyed the kitchen and that repair was a first priority, along with making the gym useable. Sue reported on most current figures for income and expenses. Terry noted that there is a safety issue with the basement stairs—the railing is sub-standard and steps are narrow and need visual warnings.
        Nina asked that all job requests for Phil Connors be channeled through her. Edith pointed out that all Center issues are currently under consideration.
6;35 PM  Town Treasurer/Collector Jim Dunbar was in to collect signatures for broadband funding. The funds—as approved at the May 2014 annual town meeting—will start “make ready” work on town’s broadband project, Stan read motions as outlined by bond counsel to vote on release of a  bond anticipation note (BAN) totaling $1.2 million. Eastern Bank had won the bid with the lowest percentage rate for financing the bonds. The board voted all in favor on each of the motions which are listed here, which defined legal requirements, and copies of related documents were distributed and signed.

Voted: to approve the sale of a $1,200,000 1.25 percent General Obligation Bond Anticipation Note (the “Notes”) of the Town dated September 25, 2015, and payable September 23, 2016, to Eastern Bank at par, plus a premium of $7,828.27.

Further Voted: that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Notes, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated September 9, 2015, and a final Official Statement dated September 15, 2015, each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted.

Further Voted: that the Town Treasurer and the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver a significant events disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC Rule 15c2-12 in such form as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town, which undertaking shall be incorporated by reference in the Notes for the benefit of the holders of the Notes from time to time.

Further Voted: that we authorize and direct the Town Treasurer to establish post issuance federal tax compliance procedures in such form as the Town Treasurer and bond counsel deem sufficient, or if such procedures are currently in place, to review and update said procedures, in order to monitor and maintain the tax-exempt status of the Notes.

Further Voted: that each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes.

6:45 PM  Selectmen considered appointment of winter seasonal employee, which was internally posted for five days with one application from Jami Deloge, who is currently seasonally employed by the Cemetery Commission. She had been recommended after an interview with Phil C., Hwy. Supt. Glenn L and Nina. Jamie described her work history, much of it in construction, including heavy equipment operation and project management.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Jami, pending job screenings, as seasonal winter employee (for Facilities & Hwy. Dept.) to supplement the seasonal cemetery job—adding up to a fulltime position. Nina will ask the Personnel Board to create the new position as a merge of the two seasonal positions.
6:55 PM  Cemetery Supt. Andy Brown explained the situation in town cemeteries with unused lots that the town can reclaim—and resell. Towns are allowed to do so after 75 years if no owners/heirs are interested. Andy said the town had done due diligence with attempts to contact heirs. Documents were produced for transfer and sale of certain lots in Woodlawn Main Cemetery. Woodlawn has mostly large-sized “family” plots and Andy is attempting to maintain that precedent.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to take ownership of several lots in Woodlawn and to sell a number of lots—as specified in deeds. They also voted all in favor to revise a deed of the Brooks-owned lots.
7:10 PM  Nina had researched different options for repairing the slate roof on Bagg Hall and gave a brief report.
        The issue of temporary signs on town property was discussed as Audubon asked about planting Hey Day signs. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the town administrator to approve temporary signs.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to sign for acceptance of a FEMA reimbursement for $32,685. This represents a 75 percent reimbursement for the 2013 blizzard.
        It was reported that Goodnow Park at the south end of the town common, across Worcester Road from the Catholic church, was town land, and a request from an Eagle Scout to replace the benches there could move forward. Selectmen agreed to refer town common “use” policy to the Historical Commission.
A legislative breakfast is being offered on Oct. 2 and Jon F. and Nina are planning to attend.
7:20 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes from Sept. 8 regular meeting; approve but not release Sept. 8 executive session meeting. They then signed warrants for FY’16- 6.

7:25 PM They voted all in favor to recess and open the PBMLP meeting and then reconvene for executive session.

8:30 PM  Selectmen reconvened for executive session.

Executive Session
8:30 PM Selectmen then went into executive session. Stan M. made a motion: “In accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 30A, Section 21, I make a motion to enter into executive session under Exemption 2, to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel, and under Exemption 3, discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares, only to adjourn.” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that “the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to contract negotiations since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town.”
8:39 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session voted all in favor to adjourn. Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”

 Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: Report on roof repair; cemetery deeds and documents; BAN documents

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department